Khoira Foundation

Art and Culture

The importance of Art and Culture

  • The Lalit Kala Akademi is the National Academy of Art in India to promote the fine arts of India.

  • Art and culture play an important role in the development of all nations of the world. It represents a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices.

  • Several of the world’s main religions (including Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism) originated or blossomed in India.

  • Most traditional Indian art is political or religious, which contributes to the world’s knowledge, history, beauty and art. Manipur specifically, is said to be best represented by the classical Manipuri style of dance in art and culture.

  • India is ranked 25th in the world for cultural influence, and has the potential to increasingly grow and contribute to the world.

The Challenges Faced

  • Arts and culture have a strong history in India, but unfortunately due to economic and societal difficulties, the industry is facing challenges.
  • With the rise of the digital age, there are less people accessing physical arts and culture, and so, to stay modern and competitive in rapidly changing times, India’s arts and culture should be more accessible, including on the internet.
  • The art and culture industry also needs to promote and disseminate their products and values, and they need more funding and increased accessibility for everyone to utilize and appreciate.
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The govt initiative taken up to tackle the issue

With the support of the Government of India for art and culture, these initiatives were created to help the industry and further promote the art and culture of India:

  • Centenaries and Anniversaries Scheme- to commemorate and celebrate India’s special historic art and culture events.
  • Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana- provides financial support to promote and disseminate India’s art and culture.
  • Development of Museum- to build and digitalize museums
  • Development of Libraries and Archives- to build and establish national virtual libraries.
  • Global Engagement and International Co-operation- to promote India’s art and culture abroad while increasing tourism and strengthening international relationships.
  • National Mission on Manuscripts- to locate, document, conserve, and promote India’s manuscripts.
How khoira foundation will systematically enhance the system?
Khoira foundation supports and celebrates the art and culture industry. With a rich tradition of history, culture, and art, permeating throughout the country, Khoira supports the art and culture industry and shares their goal of spreading art and culture throughout the country and throughout the world. Khoira is passionate about serving the art and culture industry, and through its services and experiences provides the industry with services, including:

Our Departments

Our Departments

Disaster Management
Science and Technology
Animal Husbandary
Water Resource
Handloom and Handicraft
Ecommerce and Marketing
Art and Culture

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